Randy and Annette both became Christians within four months of each other in 1982. They were both raised in religious homes, but neither of them understood the truths of the Bible or how a person could know for sure if he would go to heaven when he dies.
When they were married in 1980, Annette was practicing the religion of their childhood while Randy was not. He had become an atheist, even asking the minister who married them to remove all references to God from their marriage ceremony. After their wedding, they moved to the Chicago area to take new jobs. Around this time they became involved with a new group of friends and started a home business due to their influence.
As a result of their new associations, their move, Annette’s coworker and a friend of theirs named Mike, they became more aware of spiritual issues. Randy had worked with Mike in the electronic field for two years before marrying Annette. He was a Christian who lived his faith and was a groomsman in their wedding. Through all of these things, Randy and Annette began to look at, question, and consider Christianity.
Annette’s coworker began giving her Christian magazines to read on a regular basis, during which time she also began reading the New Testament. Then on Easter, 1982, while driving back home from Wisconsin, as Randy slept, she finally realized how much God loved her in that Jesus died personally for her. She also realized that if she put her trust in Him, then He would only have good things in store for her. As a result, a great peace came over her and her life began to change. She no longer wanted to attend the church she was at but wanted one that clearly taught the Bible instead. Shortly after this, Randy began his quest for truth by reading the New Testament, portions of the Old Testament along with some Christian books, with the result that four months later he too asked God to save him. Through this time Randy came to understand that Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be, and therefore there must be a God. Like Annette, he came to understand that the Bible is God’s Word and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins and rose from the grave three days later. He is alive!
Their lives have changed ever since they both prayed to accept Jesus. Though they could go on and tell you many more things, their concern is that you too know Jesus as your personal Savior. The following are biblical truths for you to consider, including the Bible references that state these facts.
- There is life after death (Luke 16:22-25)
- There is a heaven (Philippians 3:20)
- There is a hell and a final judgment (Revelation 20:12-15)
- Our problem is that we all have sinned (Romans 3:23)
- The good news is that God loves you so much He sent His Son Jesus to die for your sins (Romans 5:8)
- If by faith you believe Jesus paid the penalty for your sins, He will save you if you ask Him. Salvation is a free gift from God for whoever will ask Him for it (John 1:12; Romans 6:23)
- If you are sincere in your prayer for forgiveness and salvation, you will be assured of a place with God for all eternity (John 5:24; 1 John 5:11-13)
Our hope is that you have made or will make this very important commitment to Jesus Christ. If you have, or if you have any questions, would you let us know. We would love to hear from you as it would be encouraging for us. If desired, we will help you locate a good church to attend and will pray for you as well. God bless!
All passages quoted are from The New American Standard Version of the Bible, The Lockman Foundation, 1977.